Our Vision

Like the buffalo, Native Americans have been willing to endure arduous conditions to retrieve what is needed to survive. At Tatanka Ska Ventures, we want to encourage that spirit of Perseverance by emboldening Native entrepreneurs to bring their businesses into foreign frontiers.

Buffalo are highly protective of their herd; when threatened by an outside force, they band together to defend the young and most vulnerable. Historically, there is a pattern of Natives and their resources being exploited. At Tatanka Ska Ventures, we seek to protect Native Entrepreneurs from disadvantageous situations, such as predatory investors. By protecting these businesses and their young, vulnerable stages, we hope to allow them the chance to grow into self-sustaining companies.

The buffalo is a formidable force. They have the power to alter the environment in which they live- their migration patterns fundamentally change the landscape. At Tatanka Ska Ventures, we hope to empower Native Entrepreneurs by giving them the capital and technical resources needed in order to forge their own trail.